Lee & Amanda: Relationship Progression Notes (Pt5)


At five o’clock that same afternoon, having found herself having to be inventive and dream up an excuse to give her mother, Amanda walks into a fancy dress party which Lee has completely neglected to tell her about!


As Expectation Turns to Realisation

As she takes in the scene before her, she comes to the conclusion that maybe it might be better if she just heads for the door and leaves. However, a rather determined coat lady stalls her actions and rather than tell the woman that she is actually leaving, Amanda allows her to take her coat away rather than create a fuss. For the time being at least it seems that she is stuck where she is – certainly until she has spoken to Lee. If she can find him that is. She tries to espy him amongst the crowd but to no avail.

Lee, however, has spotted Amanda.  Decked out in a tux and well aware of just how good he looks, he has positioned himself on the stairs waiting for the moment when Amanda’s eyes find him. However, she doesn’t think to look in his direction so he is forced to gain her attention himself.

“Mrs King!”

Sexy and he knows it

Amanda immediately responds to the call of her name, instinctively turning to look up to find Lee standing there.


He gives her just enough time to take in his appearance before coming to greet her properly.  It is the last thing Amanda is expecting, of course: a handsome man in a tux, just radiating confidence and attractiveness, his eyes smiling down at her.  It is a little overwhelming and she can’t help but hide the shy smile that crosses her lips as he reaches her.

“Hello, Mr Steton.”

“Lee,” he corrects her, doing away with any sort of formality.

Call me Lee


He’s in full-on charm mode, presenting her with the confident and suave Scarecrow persona he wears so well.  He is confident in this guise and the effect it can have – particularly on women.  There is no hint of the desperate waiter or stroppy pirate of their previous encounters.  In fact, he is completely relaxed and genial.  Putting his arm loosely around her waist, much as he did at the train station, Lee leads her into the party, watching her with a smile as she takes it all in.

Among Friends

As Amanda pauses to take in the people gathered before her, Lee takes a moment to look at the woman beside him – so naturally pretty and normally attired. Compared to the women around them, she could not look more different nor more attractive.

The Friends You Keep

“These people are your friends?”  She can’t help but ask.

“Yes,” Lee nods.

As they walk further into the room, Amanda glances back over her shoulder, wondering, even now, whether she really wants to be there.

As at the train station, Lee cannot seem to resist wrapping his arm around Amanda’s waist to guide her through the milling crowds.  It is as though he needs to have some sort of physical contact with her.  In her turn, Amanda accepts the gesture without any degree of awkwardness.  It’s almost as if he’s been putting his arm around her for years, so comfortable and natural is the giving and acceptance of the gesture.

When a woman approaches him, Lee is flattered enough to let his attention stray from Amanda for a moment, although she isn’t prepared to stand there watching him eye every woman in the room whilst blithely ignoring her!


“Excuse me!” Amanda’s sharp intonation has the effect of bringing Lee out of his ruminations about the brunette in the red dress who has just shown such a blatant interest in him. She’s certainly not about to be left standing there like a spare part. “I’m expecting a very important phone call, so could you just tell me whatever it is you had to tell me?”  After all, he was the one who made such a point of her coming to meet him.

Again Lee reaches out to her, seeking to re-establish the physical connection between them.

We Do have a lot to talk about

No sooner are the words out of his mouth than they are interrupted again – this time by one Celeste van Kreswinkle, a statuesque blonde with bobble antennas on her head.

Unwelcome Interruption

Her sultry “Hi, Lee. Wanna dance?” causes Amanda to grimace and cast Lee a quick “give me strength” look. It doesn’t appear to matter that she might be interrupting them, but there again perhaps this is the way the women in Lee’s life behave – blatantly vying for his attention.  Lee is all charm and civility, although he does have the good sense to decline Celeste’s offer.  After all, he’s already had Amanda abandon him abruptly at Moby’s Dock so he’s not about to risk that happening again. Instead he makes a point of introducing Amanda, who manages to force a smile and say hello. Celeste, having done a critical scan of Amanda (no doubt to see whether she is any sort of competition worth worrying about) promptly proceeds to take a stab at what she’s wearing.

You came dressed as a housewife

It’s not exactly what Amanda wants to hear.  After all, she wouldn’t have dressed in normal clothes if Lee had actually told her they were going to a party. The awkwardness of the situation is not lost on Lee and he quickly takes the chivalrous route (even though he is actually responsible for Amanda feeling awkward) to avoid any further interaction and potential discomfort between the two women.

“Would you like to dance?”

The Start of Something Good

“Yes.”  Amanda doesn’t hesitate, grateful for the excuse to extract herself from Celeste.

And so dance they do.  There on the dance floor Lee Stetson draws Amanda King towards him, appreciating not only the fact that he has a beautiful woman in his arms, but also how good it feels.  From the moment they start to dance, his eyes are focussed solely upon her.  It’s as though Amanda is the only woman in the room and although she returns his look with a shy smile, she cannot help but feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer nearness of him.  As he leads her through the dance, he holds her very closely, effectively sweeping her along in the moment with him.


Amanda’s smile is radiant as they move to the music.  It is all so unexpected. She would never have guessed that this was what her afternoon would be like: dancing in the arms of a suave and charming stranger.

For Lee their dance offers a interlude to let everything  fade away. It is a moment of perfect peace as he lays his cheek against Amanda’s. On some unconscious level it seems that they find a connection with the other, although it isn’t realised or acknowledged.

In the Arms of a Stranger

Not that the contented silence between them lasts for long.  Amanda, perhaps seeking to deflect her attention from Lee’s nearness, pulls slightly away from him to ask how on earth he managed to find her.

How did you find me

Amanda laughs at the casualness of his reply – which tells her absolutely nothing at all.  “I thought only Nazis and spies said that,” she says.

Lee’s response, however, is definitely not what she is expecting.  “Well, I’m not a Nazi.”


Does that mean what she thinks it does?

Lee’s revelation has the effect of pouring ice cold water on the moment, effectively catapulting Amanda into completely unchartered territory.  Suddenly everything has taken a rather unexpected turn and she is struggling to keep up.

So youre a spy

“Actually we don’t say “spy”, Lee replies.

That hardly helps. Surely a spy is a spy?  Mind you, the thought has already crossed Amanda’s mind that he might be a gangster. Her admission causes Lee to give a little laugh of amusement, although you have to wonder how many women he has told about this particular part of his life.  In telling Amanda who he really is he cuts straight to the very heart of the world that has helped shape him over the years: a world where secrets are the norm and walking into dangerous situations is an everyday occurrence.  It is also the moment when he allows Amanda to walk further into his professional and personal life without even realising it, something that, unbeknownst to him, began at the train station when he gave her the package.

A lot of his lack of reticence is fuelled by the necessity to help Amanda understand the situation and the possibility of danger, of course.  How else can he explain his obsession with getting the package back?  He knows that he needs to tread carefully and measure his words – after all, the last thing he wants to do is to scare her witless.

And then there’s the issue of secrecy…

Not mentioning to anyone

He is asking her to keep secrets (secrets he shares) in order to keep her family safe – something she is already doing to some extent by having to fabricate the story of being a member of a Clam Club.

“Boyfriend,” Amanda corrects Lee in response to his assumption of her marital status, although elaborates no further. There is, after all, no need to bring Dean into any of this. If he was her husband it might be different, but he’s not. At this point in time, whether she is married or not is pretty irrelevant to Lee. His focus is the package.  He’s not expecting to see her again once she’s handed it over, despite enjoying their little turn on the dance floor.

Lee telling her that if her family don’t know anything then they can’t be targets doesn’t really answer the question that immediately springs to Amanda’s mind, however.

What about me

He’s not going to answer that and tries to distract Amanda with the offer of more champagne.  After all, how can he tell her that she may already be a target to the people who are after the package?  She’s just a suburban mother who has no notion of the sort of people he has to deal with on a daily basis.  Amanda is left to draw her own conclusion – and it’s not a very comforting one!

However, she does have a confession of her own to make about the package Lee wants so badly and it is about to send their whole evening into orbit…

There is one little problem

A New Discovery for Friday

Happy Friday to you all!

I am probably really late to the party (as usual lol) but I finally got round to trying my hand at a GIF.  It is by no means perfect but I was pretty pleased with the way it came out.  As it’s my first attempt I thought I would share it here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Favourite Conversation: We’re Off to See the Wizard

I have always loved the scene between Lee and Amanda in the outdoor cafe after Lee thinks he has seen Dorothy on the bus.  He’s already being swept along on an emotional rollercoaster ride – he’s been seeing Dorothy, he’s been arguing with Paul Barnes over the women who have recently been murdered and he’s had his past of playing free and loose with loads of women exposed by the number of black books he possesses.  On top of that, he’s had to deal with Amanda being in the killer’s sights when she went to visit one of the women from his said black books.  It’s not surprising then that he feels the need to talk to someone.

When You Need a Friend.

It is really quite sweet that they both know exactly to the month and day just how long they have known each other, although the conversation soon takes a more sombre tone as Lee slowly begins to open up about Dorothy.

Before I Met You

Amanda, for her part, doesn’t push him, but instead allows him the space and freedom to talk.

The First Time Id Ever Seen Somebody

Another Lifetime

She cannot, however, help but vehemently tell him that what happened to Dorothy is not his fault and that he really shouldn’t be the one to take the blame for it – especially as he was only twenty-four years old at the time.

As the Penny Drops

“I never told you I was twenty-four then,” Lee responds, realising that she has already done her own research and read the file on the case.

In fact he’s initially a bit miffed about it until Amanda tells him that she’s been worried about him.  “You act like you’re some kind of Superman, but you’re not a superman. You’re just a man. But a pretty special man.”

Her words hit Lee straight in the heart.  He is visibly touched.  The apology that Amanda tries to give him is quickly pushed aside.  “It’s important to me that you care,” he tells her. It’s certainly growing more and more important to him every day that passes.

Its important

This remark alone shows how far he’s come since they met.  There was a time when he would never have admitted such  a thing or told her the history behind his getting the “Scarecrow” codename.  It is such a painful and personal memory and yet he allows himself to share it with Amanda, recounting the details of the day Dorothy was killed.

the day of the fall

Amongst the Roses

It certainly stands in sharp contrast to a similar conversation they had about his codename in Magic Bus. The Lee of Season 1 was closed off, fighting off any inclination to be close to anyone. The Lee of Season 3 is now beginning to wholly embrace the idea that it’s ok to let someone through his armour and have someone care for him the way Amanda so obviously does.



Icon Textures

My icon textures are not something  I have ever thought to share until now. I am not really sure why; although it’s probably because they were something I just sat down and dabbled with on a couple of occasions and then just let sit on my hard-drive without thinking to let them see the light of day.  It seems a shame to just leave them there forgotten (I made most of my textures about three years ago) because they represent another part of my journey in graphic-making and exploration of texture/colour. These are some of the first I did and what I do remember is not really knowing what I was doing and just adding different colours/textures/effects until I thought they looked ok.  Looking at them now, I just wish I could remember the exact steps, but I never made a PSD file for them :(. So…I may need to do some more experimenting in the not too distant future LOL

Pink Dream:

Pinks6 Pinks5 Pinks4 Pinks3 Pinks2


Shades of Blue:

ShadesofBlue5 ShadesofBlue4 ShadesofBlue3 ShadesofBlue2 ShadesofBlue1


Autumn6 Autumn5 Autumn4 Autumn3 Autumn1

A New Day, A New Layout

Welcome to Wednesday!

Yesterday afternoon I decided that it was time to change the layout of this blog. After trawling through the various themes available on WordPress, I finally settled on this one and I have to say that I am really happy with the result :).  The fact that the header banner is on one side, the menu overlaid upon it,  with the blog posts on the other really ticks all my boxes :).  I think it’s fair to say that I will be sticking with this one for a while!

And I just couldn’t resist making this to mark the occasion LOL…

We got a new layout



Icons Journal – Part Two

So here’s Part Two of my icons journal.  These, like Part One, represent quite a number of years and in fact, I’ve just looked to see when I made my first batch of icons and it was July 2010!  Wow!  Where have the years gone???

Fear copy fear (2) faith fading expectation

expectant Everlasting emotion Drenched Dream

Dream (3) DonttellmewecantmakeitworkAvvie dismiss1 Discovered discord2

disbelief DISBELIEF (3) disbelief (2) Disappointed DespairIcon copy

despaira Desire Desire (2) Demure defeated1

Cool contemplate consider Consider (2) compliment copy

Comfort Comfort (2) come (2) Close Cheers

chasm caring car Captivated copy cantlet

Breathe2 Breathe Breathe (2) Bob2 Bob1-Avvie

bluebell betweenus

Please do not modify, alter or change these graphics in any way

If using, please credit

Please do not hotlink

That Friday Feeling

I was coming home from being out this morning, just mulling over what I needed to do today with the two vids I have completed as first drafts, when, quite randomly, the idea for a Friday graphic popped into my head.  So home I came and sat straight down at the computer to begin.  I knew I wanted to use caps where it looks like they are celebrating so settled on several from the tag in Lost and Found because they fitted the bill perfectly for my purposes – especially as I had the lines running in my head of “Guess what? What? It’s over”.  No guesses for where I substituted the text for “It’s Friday!” lol.  Anyway, I hope you all have a great Friday and a relaxing and happy weekend.

Its Friday

Favourite Heart-Wrenching Moment: Burn Out

Although it is painful to watch and its impact never really seems to lessen every time I watch it, I feel that the scene where Lee slaps Amanda is probably one of the most powerful moments in the entire four seasons.  It takes SMK out of its comfort zone – albeit briefly – and confronts us with the realisation that Lee could – and in this case does – slap Amanda.  If you look, you can see him glance at Jack Harris as though he’s making sure he’s taking the whole scene in, only, in the next moment, to get too carried away with his cover and slap her. Amanda’s horror and absolute hurt are palpable, just as Lee’s own shock is. They are both left completely devastated by his actions. From the remorse on his face, I don’t think it was Lee’s actual intention to actually slap her as he did – and certainly not so forcefully. He started out by patting her face (although quite firmly when you look at it) as if he were trying to emphasise his frustration of having time on his hands for Jack’s benefit.

Gone too far copy

Error of Judgement

Realising the magnitude of  what he has done, Lee immediately apologises, reaching out to Amanda automatically, desperate to connect with her again, his hands resting on her arms, but Amanda is far too hurt and upset to be receptive to such a gesture.  She clearly doesn’t want to be near him.  Her “You can move your hand” shows just how little she wants any physical contact with him.

When she walks away Lee runs after her – his thoughts no doubt centred on the fact that he could ruin everything with her because of his behaviour.  He stands to lose so much and I think that alone propels him to the door Amanda is heading towards, needing to stop her before she’s gone.  His “No! No!” is pretty desperate and anguished.

When All Seems Broken

“It’s all right.  It didn’t hurt,” Amanda tells him rather too calmly, trying to brush it all aside and probably just wishing to get out of there and not go into it all.

“I hit you.”  Lee’s self-loathing is very marked.  It’s as though he still can’t believe he could actually do such a thing to her, yet he is also still having to play his cover which makes everything all the more difficult.  He certainly can’t apologise the way he probably wishes to – at least not while they are being watched by Jack Harris – lest he gives himself away completely.  So he presses on, even though his words are hardly any comfort, trying to make it plain to Amanda that she should stay well clear of him. “You’ve just got to stay away from me.  You’ve seen what I’ve been like lately, what I’m going through.  I’m poison at the Agency.”

“I was only trying to help you.”

“Then let me make it easier for you.  Just don’t help!”  The words are harsh and uncompromising and he must know that they will add to the sense of devastation she’s already feeling. He certainly doesn’t hang around long enough to find out because he turns away to stumble back to the bar and Jack Harris.


Perhaps knowing exactly what emotions will be etched on her face, Lee doesn’t even look back as he goes.  He can’t afford to if he is to continue with his cover.  He leaves Amanda alone and utterly bereft; her eyes reflecting the pain she feels. When she raises her head to follow his progress to the bar, you can see the sadness and disbelief that haunt her.  Yet she doesn’t try to go after him or speak to him again – he’s, after all, made it perfectly clear that she should keep her distance.  Instead, she makes a bid to compose herself a little before heading out of the door.

Turn Away

Silent Anguish

At this point, they seem to be more distant than they ever have been.  Even though we know that Lee is acting out a cover, at this point in time we have no real idea that Amanda has (or will very shortly) begun to figure it out for herself.  After all, he may have a temper sometimes and has, on occasion, hurt her with his words, but he has never done something like that to her before.


My Icon Journal – Part One

When I started  experimenting and playing around in Photoshop Elements in about July 2010, I never dreamt that I would still be making graphics for the same show some six years later, let alone that I would have created so many of them.  I have a folder of my favourite icons totalling 300 which I intend to post here on the blog over several posts, but that is by no means the sum of the icons I have made over the years.  Certainly my first attempts were pretty dire and very sludgy in colour – basically because I had no real idea of what I was doing.  However, I kept going and kept trying to make each graphic – be it icon, banner or wallpaper – better than the last. I still aim to do that even now, just as I do with my music videos.  It is an ever-evolving process and I love the creativity of it.

2. Lean on Me (SMK) Betrayed (2) beauty beauty (1) BadDayIcon

BacktoAgency Awareness aware1 attentive (2) AtCafe

arrival anticipation AndSoSheDances amused copy amuse2

AMother'sPainAvvie Amazed amaze amandaicon32 AmandaIcon3

AmandaIcon2 amandab1 AmandaA amanda12 Amanda3Icon

Amanda3a (3) Amanda3 Amanda3 (6) amanda3 (4) amanda3 (2)

Amanda2a (3) Amanda2a (2) amanda2 (2) amanda2 (1) Amanda1Icon

amanda1-copy Amanda1a amanda1 amanda1 (1) amanda

Amanda (4) Amanda (3) Alone2 Alone ahead

ahead AftertheParty'sGone affair Adoration Abandoned


Do not modify, copy or alter these graphics in any way

Please do not hotlink

If taking, please credit me



Lee & Amanda – Relationship Progression Notes (Pt4)

Finally found some time to continue with my Relationship Notes 🙂


And so it is in Amanda’s court to decide what to do next.  In her hand she has the little card Lee thrust under her windscreen before she sped away from him.  Not that the card has actually gone any way to enlighten her as to who he is.  She still has no idea of his name.  So…does she bite the bullet and call him?  Or does she just toss the card into the bin and try to forget about it?

A Decison to Make

If she does the latter, of course, she will still have the package…and does she really want that?  It seems to have proved a cumbersome thing to have and it’s obviously of great interest to the man who originally gave it to her.


Before she can talk herself out of it, she makes a decision and heads rapidly for the phone to dial the number.

“I thought you’d be curious about all this,” Lee says, sounding rather too confident of the fact that she would call.  He’s also managed to remember to say “hello” – a great improvement on the last two occasions when they’ve met.

Amanda, for her part, doesn’t waste any time in letting Lee know how she feels.  She may well be a bit curious about why the package is so important, but that doesn’t mean to say she is willing to plunge herself any deeper into his affairs.

I called

However, it turns out that things may not be as clear-cut as she thinks, particularly when Lee tells her that there may be a possibility that she’s being watched.  Perhaps taking the package in the first place wasn’t the best decision she’s ever made after all.

Unwelcome Realisation


Isn’t what he is saying a bit far-fetched?  She’s just an ordinary housewife from Arlington. Surely no one would be interested in watching her?  Mind you, there were those two men at the train station…

We have to meet

The forcefulness of Lee’s words come down the phone line and it doesn’t sound like he is going to take no for an answer!  It seems that Amanda has no real choice but to comply with his wishes.  Just what has she gotten herself into?